When you want to get rid of the plain old concrete in your home or commercial establishment, staining can lift the looks of your flooring impressively. Staining is a process of sealing of the concrete and redefining its appearance. However, the effectiveness of this process relies on the nice and clean surfaces. Here’s how you can clean up the floor for concrete staining in Kansas City:
Grinding Down the Concrete:
If there are a lot of contaminants in your concrete floor, grinding is the most viable option. This process is required only for the surfaces that have undergone rugged use for a long time. It also works well for the surfaces that have dealt with a lot of contaminants. For example, the floors that sustain paints, glue, and oil spills require grinding to address the contaminants.
To initiate the process, you need a small 4-inch grinder that can be used for the corners and areas that are hard to reach. A larger grinder is needed for larger spaces. Lot of dust will be blown into the air during this process. It is a specialized job that should be best entrusted to the experts.
Using Chemical Cleaners:
If the concrete floor in your building has been contaminated with one or two separate agents, you can safely use chemical cleaners. The selection of cleaner depends on the type of contaminants existing on the floor. Acidic cleaners are a viable choice for cleaning the acid-soluble stains. On the other hand, pH-neutral cleaners can be used for sealed and clean floors while alkaline cleaners are best suited for oily and greasy surfaces.
For effective cleaning of the slabs for stained concrete in Kansas City, call the experts who can manage this process smoothly.