People aren’t usually as enthusiastic about choosing polished concrete as they are about choosing other types of flooring such as ceramic tiles or marble. A common argument against their use is that they’re too difficult to maintain or that they’re very expensive. Some of them find concrete floors to be very cold and hence not suitable for cold climates. While it is true that polished concrete is expensive, it is also true that they repay over time- a perfectly done concrete polishing job can last a lifetime and sometimes even outlive you! Here are some of the other benefits associated with polished concrete:
- They’re aesthetically pleasing: Polished concrete is the flooring of choice in many commercial spaces like hotels. Factors such as the color of the sand used, the different levels of polishing, the method in which the finisher trowel was operated, the fact that colors were used in the mix or not, etc, can affect the final look and finish of the floor. The options are endless; much like a canvass on which skilled technicians can recreate almost any look and feel! It is also possible to recreate the feel and look of a marble or granite flooring.
- Low maintenance: Contrary to popular opinion, polished concrete floors do not need special attention. All they need is regular cleaning and an occasional mopping. Unlike other floor types, you need not wax polish the floors or coat them to retain their shine and sheen.
When choosing polished concrete, make sure that you choose a good company to undertake the job. Kansas City based polished concrete contractors have more than a decade of experience in the profession.